
Friday, 5 January 2024

Character Creation Challenge 5: Basic D&D

I picked up an old D&D set in an antique shop back in 2001 or so. I think it's what people called Moldvay, since his name is in it. I used the d6 that came in the box to roll the stats.

Name: Opal Proudfoot

STR 13 - +1 to hit, damage and opening doors
INT 12  - Reads and writes native languages
WIS 13 - +1 on magic saving throws
DEX 16 - +2 on "to hit" rolls, -2 bonus on AC, +1 initiative
CON 11 - No adjustment to hit points
CHA 9 - No adjustment to reactions, 4 max retainers, 7 retainer morale

(lowered INT to improve DEX, +10% XP for having 13+ in both STR and DEX)

Class: Halfling

Hit points: 6

Special abilities:
+1 bonus with missile weapons
-2 AC when attacked by creatures larger than man sized.
+1 initiative
10% chance of being detected when hiding in woods or underbrush
1/3 chance they will not be seen in normal light if the character finds cover and remains quiet and still

Saving throws:
Death ray or poison: 10
Magic wands: 11
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 12
Dragon Breath: 13
Rods, Staves or Spells: 14

Alignment: Neutral

Money: 0gp

Chain mail armour
Quiver with 20 arrows
Short sword
Flask of oil
Iron rations

No, I'm not going to work all the armour class wossnames. You can't make me. Do your own maths, nerds.

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