Wednesday 24 May 2023

Wicker Valley, episode 8: Wards

We gathered supplies and discussed where to perform the summoning ritual. Robin was all for an old barrow or fairy mound, which to me sounded like asking for trouble. Mike and me were all for a very normal woodland clearing, but I think it was Adam who eventually got us set up in a car park. I set up a circle of salt with Gillian's help, and the mirrors were positioned inside it. Robin wandered off into the bushes to relieve himself - I swear, him and Adam seem to think there's no problem you can't solve with urine - and Mike tied up Adam so he couldn't do any damage in the event that things went badly.

I don't know what it was that Robin found in his pocket. Best not to ask about these things sometimes. But it was enough to mess up Adam enough to bring the creature to him. Mike spotted it first. I caught glimpses of eyes and teeth in the mirrors, but I had to concentrate on chanting, and making sure Gillian was holding it together enough to keep going.

The plan was for the three of them inside the circle to deal with the thing, but when it started tearing chunks out of Mike and Adam, I knew I had to intervene. I reassured Gillian that she had this, and was safe outside the circle, and went in with claws out. Robin held it off Mike, I shredded it from behind, and that was enough for Mike to grab a piece of broken mirror and take the thing down.

We looked at each other, covered in blood and black ichor. Mike untied Adam. Gillian was unharmed, but there was a limit to what even my voice could do about the things she'd just witnessed. Then I noticed the look on Robin's face, the way Mike suddenly stiffened, and the breath of an angel on the back of my neck.

I didn't turn round. That way lay terror, and it obviously got to Robin as he was off running. I saw Mike grab a mirror and realised what he was doing. I did the same, looked at the thing's reflection to get a grasp on where it was, then spun round and drove my claws into it, tearing it to pieces. Father would have been proud, of my actions, if not of my motives.

By the time we'd taken out the rest of the creatures, Mike and Adam were both in a bad way. I helped Robin patch them up, then saw to Gillian while Adam got a petrol can and set fire to the remains. The fire attracted the police's attention, but I told them it was a traditional Samhain bonfire, and the others passed off our appearance as particularly detailed Halloween costumes, and we got off with just being told not to light fires in other people's car parks. Which seemed fair.

We took Gillian home. Mike asked if he could sleep at my place so he didn't have to explain his appearance to his housemates. Which meant the next morning was super awkward. Nothing happened - just showers and sleep and coffee. Still. Oh 🔥.

I texted Adam to let him know we were on our way, and he sent me back a shopping list. One trip to the hardware store later we arrived at the junkyard. Mike walked right in. I found the ward was still keeping me out. I texted Adam again to let him know. I wasn't going to be pushing my way in this time, not after what happened last night.

We all agreed we needed to take a look at the church to see if the apparent new ward on that was doing the same thing. It was. Mike and Adam walked straight in. Robin had to force his way in. I decided not to try. The place already makes me itch. Robin and me walked the perimeter, working out exactly where the boundaries were, while the others headed inside. Unfortunately they didn't manage to intercept the vicar quick enough to avoid him spotting me out there. Not great, looking all suspicious around someone who already has a thing about demons.

While Mike and Adam got roped into tea with Reverend Matthews, Robin and me decided it was worth checking if this was happening with every church or just that one. We already suspected the vicar was up to something and this would be a useful confirmation. We went to the Catholic church, a rather newer building made of bricks instead of stone, and while I got the familiar prickling sensation, neither of us had any trouble getting near the place. That settled it for me. The vicar was up to something.

We still had one thing we needed to do, which was to check on Gillian after last night's activities. It seemed she'd slept for the entire morning. Probably for the best. Hopefully we won't have to ask for her help again any time soon. All we wanted this time was to make sure she was OK, and ask if she'd raised any wards.

She had - just a small one to keep the moss hag out while she was working. So another one to check out. This one didn't keep me out - just zap me a bit on the way through. Which checked out with what we knew so far, as this was just a minor ward compared to the rather beefier thing I'd helped Adam set up for his place.

It looks more and more like I was right to suspect the vicar. So I suggested we do the thing I really didn't want to do. Break into the church.

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