Saturday 1 February 2020

Ramos Reportage, episode 10: Going Underground

Marlon's player was absent again, but after last week's getting blown up after kicking a car we assumed he was probably in the hospital. We left the team trying to figure out what to do about Trinity...

Virtue was dubious of the team's ability to actually get into Trinity, given the vast amount of cyberwear we were using, but did feel reasonably confident of her ability to hack into their network using Angeline's tracker. Quinton drugged her (which took some work, given the amount of anti-poisoning cyberwear she had) and we went for a drive. Unfortunately Virtue wasn't able to get in. Apparently after she'd stolen several million eb from them they'd tightened up security against her a bit.

We dropped Angeline back at the hotel and began working on an alternative plan: directly access their net cables. Quinton looked into city plans around the area of Trinity's radio station to find where their data cable was likely to run and located a sewer system.

The black market was more than happy to sell us city worker hazmat suits, and despite some bitter complaining about how they weren't as well armoured as our normal fashionable streetwear, we all donned them and descended through a manhole.

Insert many jokes about man holes at this point.

For once we were attempting a stealth mission, and remarkably we were actually successful in being quiet. There was a slight hairy moment when Requiem failed to notice a trip wire (due to being distracted looking at the thief sign higher up on the walls) but fortunately Rolando spotted it and stopped everyone in time. Some careful balance was needed to get through some unpleasantly slippery bits of sewer, but everyone remained upright.

Finally the cable was located (a thick yellow coax, naturally) and Virtue got to work installing a vampire tap while the others kept a lookout. Nemo spotted someone lurking in the darkness and said over silent comms that he was going to throw a grenade at it. Requiem reminded everyone that they were supposed to be being quiet, pointed out that knives are quiet, popped her wolvers and went to track down the intruder.

The intruder stabbed her in the leg and she passed out.

Nemo discovered a sword that he'd forgotten he had. ("So that's why I've been carrying this walking stick!") Quinton decided that what Aikido really needed was more kicks. More weird underground sewer people arrived. The fight continued on fairly balanced terms until Requiem woke up again, cut one intruder's arm off and reduced another to bloody ribbons in one perfectly executed slash of her mono power wolvers.

"What happened here?" Virtue asked, seeing the carnage as she finished her own work.

"Sushi!" Requiem enthusiastically replied.

They left the sewers, remembering to avoid the tripwire again on the way out, and quickly found a fire hydrant to hose themselves down. They briefly went back to the house to get changed and make sure they hadn't been followed, before returning to Angeline and Mandy at the hotel.

Angeline's commitment to Trinity was starting to waver, and with a few hard truths about how they would remove her cyberwear, make her wear unfashionable clothes and then use her as a warrior until she was killed, she was finally persuaded that maybe Trinity wasn't for her after all. Unfortunately, Trinity weren't really the type to abandon potential converts.

Angeline wanted to go to a ranch and herd cows.

"What's a cow?"

"What's a ranch?"

It turned out that tourist ranch trips for the extremely wealthy were a thing, and the team headed out of Night City to spend some time learning to ride horses in the wilderness. They were having a pretty good time until one bright sunny day...

"Why is the sky blue? The light! I'm burning!"

And if their first experience with sunburn wasn't enough, then Trinity arrived in an AV.

Requiem fired a few rounds from her Arnos. Nemo let loose with his auto shotgun. And then a minigun began turning to face them. Requiem threw herself into melee combat, removing an arm from one man and driving the blades into the face of another. Nemo got out his plastic explosive, set the timer and threw it into the AV. Rolando, who'd been practicing his martial arts skills, went to grapple one of Trinity and instead grabbed Nemo's arm and ripped it off. And another Trinity member, armed with a mono knife, went for Requiem and neatly decapitated her.

Quinton concluded that this was a good time to leave. He grabbed Nemo's remains and Requiem's head and ran.

And so Ramos Reportage was no more.  Although perhaps, somewhere in Night City, is an unusual new gang of borgs - Quinton and the Motorbikes.

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