Saturday 4 January 2020

Ramos Reportage, episode 2: Taking On Trinity

The team decided they needed to do something about Trinity, the organisation who were trying to kidnap/brainwash/murder their netrunner. They came up with a plan to discredit the organisation's leader. Marlon Brandroid used his impressive disguise skills to dress up as the leader, and Rolando filmed a fake candid recording of him saying all kinds of insulting things. Then, of course, they had to actually get the recording out to Trinity's followers. Their own pirate station was not going to cut it. They concluded the only solution was to break into Trinity's local HQ and broadcast it from there.

Leaving Virtue behind to handle the remote disabling of the security systems, Requiem drove everyone to the HQ. They entered through the fire escape by leaping from the neighbouring building (a fairly easy feat when 3/5 team members were wearing MA16 Corvette cyber legs) and found themselves in the staff kitchen.

Requiem ventured out first, finding a single security guard who was easily intimidated with an Arno to the back of his head. She waved in the rest of the team, who began breaking into the broadcasting studio. Then the guard started trying to attract help by making noise, and Requiem decided if he was going to make noise then she might as well also make noise and shot him in the head.

Rolando and Marlon (who for reasons best known to himself had decided to be Ping the Merciless for this particular raid) took out the staff in the studio and got started on their broadcast. Quinton and Requiem headed for the stairs and took out the remaining guards as they attempted to climb the stairs (with Requiem taking full autofire but surviving thanks to metal gear).

Virtue warned the team that trauma team cards had been activated and they should get out fast. With the broadcast complete, Rolando grabbed some useful looking equipment and they all left via the fire escape.

Requiem drove them away in a civilised and non-dramatic fashion. Nevertheless, they were still stopped at a police checkpoint. Fortunately Ricky was in the passenger seat (Requiem liked him sitting there because he made the cab smell nice) and he had no problem charming the police officer into letting them go about their business after giving her his ICQ number.

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