Monday 16 August 2021

RPGaDay: Think


A big part of writing RPG adventures for me is reading stuff until ideas fall out, but I really shouldn't neglect the part that is just pure thinking.

In the before times, my primary thinking time was my commute.  A good hour and a half each day when I couldn't actually do anything except listen to podcasts, and if I wasn't in the mood for a podcast, the time was often spent just thinking.

Queues were another great thinking opportunity.  My Alien adventure, The Toxic Jewel, was largely written while queuing at Taco Bell.  A Christmas adventure that I really should finish before next Christmas, was also largely developed in the queue at Taco Bell.

Here in the end times, where I no longer commute, nor queue for fast food, it's getting increasingly difficult to find thinking time.  My brain has not been informed of this, however, and sometimes insists on doing its thing anyway, meaning that I've frequently found myself trying to get to sleep, but unable to do so because my brain insists on running through plot points for an RPG scenario.

So what do I think?  I think I made an excellent choice buying my husband a lot of fancy coffee for his birthday.

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