Friday 27 October 2023

Halcyon Calling, Episode 6: School

Sitting and talking with Billy helped more than I realised at first. We'd done our best in there, and it wasn't enough, but that wasn't our fault. And then Mrs Stodgely showed up and thanked us for rescuing her husband. Funny, she dressed like a teacher but didn't stand like one. She stood like the veterans who used to guard the compound in Wales. So maybe I wasn't all that surprised when she seemed to know all about Faustus.

Billy went downstairs. I stayed put, but after a couple of minutes I realised I didn't want to be alone. Halfway down the stairs I ran into Abeni. She said something to me. I don't even remember what it was, except that it was kind, and right then I couldn't deal with that. Normally I don't like people touching me, but this time I let her hug me while I cried on her shoulder. Actually I do remember something she said. She said I should call her when I needed help. I remember because of the way she said it. Like the head of the compound guards giving them an order.

She let me past her on the stairs, and I went and found a place to slide in next to Billy. There was a funny atmosphere in the room, and it only got worse when Splinters yelled up from the bar to turn the TV on. That slimy bastard Winfield was giving a speech. Usual load of crap, but the important part was that there was now a curfew. Which meant everyone in the bar was going to have to go home. Including Mr Stodgely.

Even after three plates of Abeni's Nigerian curry I was exhausted, and Castor and Pollux said me and Billy could stay the night so we didn't have to worry about the curfew. They all went out to get Mr Stodgely home, and told us we could have a beer but not to overdo it because Balae had school in the morning.

Billy and me got to work to prepare Balae for her first day at school. Billy had most of the good advice on how to be cool and stuff. I mostly just knew things not to do. Swearing at the teachers, that's bad. Throwing chairs, also not good. School didn't work out for me, but she was so excited about going, I had to at least try to help, and I think we all felt better just being able to talk about something normal instead of the starfish invasion for once. Billy got some expensive bottle off the shelf that we weren't supposed to touch, and it was nicer than bourbon, even though there wasn't enough of it to have any effect on me.

The next morning I asked if I could go on the bus with Balae and Billy. Then if anyone tried to cause trouble she could say I was her big sister. Except it didn't really work out that way. It started off alright when Balae asked us about chewing gum, and I found some in my pockets for her to try. But then I saw a girl staring at me from across the bus, and somehow that stirred up some old memories from when I was plain old Melanie Gwyn, which I normally try to avoid. I started freaking out, and then accidentally ripped out the pole with the bell button on it, which only made things worse, and I ended up jumping off the bus and running through the streets.

I ended up in one of those little pocket parks, under the trees, and was just catching my breath and calming myself down again when I realised I had company. Some girl, a bit older than me I think. She looked kind of glossy. All shiny hair and neat lipstick and clothes to match. She introduced herself as Carmilla and I wasn't really surprised, because she'd already talked to Billy and Balae.

I was prepared to try and be nice, because Balae had told us about meeting her last night, and how Faustus was taking advantage of her. I know what it's like to have people use you like that. Except she was being really strange. Saying polite things but in a really rude way. And I realised what she really wanted was a fight. She wanted me to kick off so she'd have an excuse to fight me. And she clearly thought she had a chance of winning.

So I held back and told her she should just say what she wanted so we could both piss off, and she said her piece which was pretty much just that Faustus was interested in us, and we both left. I jogged back to my flat. Running helped burn off the irritation.

It was nice to get back to the flat. I had a shower and put on some clean clothes, and then went through the pile of post. More homework assignments. I knew I had to do them, but I didn't know how to make myself give a shit about maths or geography. I got a text from Balae telling me everything was going OK at school, which was a relief because I was worried I'd fucked everything up when I freaked out on the bus. I sent back a 💖.

Then I noticed there was another letter in the pile, which didn't have a stamp or a proper address. It just said 'To the lady next door' and it was written in crayon.

I'd never paid much attention to the neighbours before, so it was a surprise to get a letter, especially from some little girl who hadn't even learned to spell Tiffany yet. But she said I looked nice, and that she liked cats, and I really wanted an excuse to ignore my homework. And I bloody love cats. So I went and knocked on the door.

Tiffany looked about four years old, and had to get her grandma to let me in. Her name was Jerry, and I had to introduce myself as Melanie, which felt pretty weird. She got me a cup of tea while the kid showed me her drawings of cats. I didn't really know what to do. I haven't exactly been around little kids recently. Then she started on about my hair, and I didn't know what to say because I didn't exactly choose this hair, it just grows this way. But she said it reminded her of a honey badger, and I don't know what kind of four year old knows about honey badgers, but if there's one thing I know really well it's honey badgers, and I must have kept her occupied for half an hour telling her about them.

Then her grandma took her into another room, and I heard this awful coughing. I felt really awkward sitting there and ended up pacing around until Jerry came back in and got me to sit down again. Turns out the kid's sick and might not be able to go to school. You'd think those fucking starfish would be able to do something about it with all their biotech but it's not like they care. But somehow I'd made the kid really happy.

I didn't want to promise too much because I don't know when I'm going to be out on another mission, but I did say if I found the time I'd drop by again. I went back to the flat and this time when I looked at the homework sheets I found I actually had the motivation to do them. Learning about the water cycle didn't seem so pointless when I thought about how I could tell Tiffany about it.

I guess there's more than one way to be a hero.

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