Thursday 5 October 2023

Wicker Valley, episode 19: Let's split up and investigate

We turned to Adam, resident expert, for advice. Escaping the maze was nice, but hadn't actually done anything about the problem. He reckoned the only option was for us to go back into the maze and let the monster come to us, so we could take it on properly.

So back in we went, following Michael who seemed to have a knack for finding the way in, and then deliberately taking the wrong path to draw the thing out. It attacked Michael, but he's tougher than he used to be and shrugged it off while I went in with my claws. Maybe I'm imagining it, but my claws seemed a little more effective than usual, and the horrible little zombie child thing seemed particularly scared of them.

Anyway, we scared it off, just in time for Elizabeth to catch up with us, along with her new friend Klaudine, who turned out to be Amy Baker's sister. Family blood is great for scrying, along with the necklace I'd already found, so Elizabeth decided to give it a shot with me as backup.

It didn't go well. The necklace exploded. Elizabeth was a bit vague about what that meant, but it wasn't anything good for Amy.

We still needed to find the creature, and it seemed reluctant to come out again. Adam suggested following up our earlier walking into the obvious trap with splitting up, and doing horror movie tropes had worked out once already so why not? He thought it was particularly interested in supernatural types, so clearly I was going to be bait.

We split into three groups. Adam and Robin, me and Michael, and Elizabeth and Klaudine. I expected it to come after me, as the least human person there, but apparently it had more sense than that and went after Elizabeth. Not that that made a difference in the end.

With the chance to look at its body properly without being attacked, Adam could finally identify it for us. A kobold. D&D has really misrepresented those things. It didn't look like a lizard at all.

With the maze gone, we also found the bodies of the missing teenagers, including Amy. Nothing we could do for them now except text Aunty Agnes and call Jenkins to let him know some weird bollocks had happened - once we managed to convince Adam not to break out the body bags, anyway. Why does he have those in the van?

We went back to town to get out of the way of the police and get Klaudine a cup of tea. Turns out she's had dealings with the Foundation before, and isn't a fan. Fortunately she's also a Doctor Who fan, so did at least understand when we tried to explain that things had been a bit wibbly wobbly timey wimey recently. She's not sticking around, since she's got her own stuff going on in the south, but she knows she can call on us for help.

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