Tuesday 17 December 2019

Backstreet Magpies, part 2: Backstreet's Back


Interior: a private booth at the Leaky Bucket. GUNNER, THE NARRATOR and SWITCH are planning their next move. PSYCHO THERAPIST is absent.

GUNNER: We should hit the Red Sash again! Show them we mean business!

SWITCH: How about we don't kick off a gang war just yet?

Switch is keen to engage in some espionage, but ultimately the plan is not quite the daring raid she was envisioning, but a slower, more carefully thought out plan involving prolonged observation and study. Not being good at that kind of thing she make another suggestion.

Exterior: the roof of the Lamp Blacks' warehouse. Switch is attempting to open a skylight, but it turns out to be connected to a series of alarm bells. Getting it open without alerting anyone is not going to be easy.

SWITCH: Whoops.

Bells ring, and the crew run. They can stay out of sight - providing they can convince the guards that it was a false alarm.

GUNNER: I'll leave my flying cat by the skylight as a distraction.

The flying cat is very obviously a hawk. THE NARRATOR and SWITCH don't argue. It's obvious it's not the first time this has come up.

With the guards pacified, THE NARRATOR leads the other two in making their way silently into the building. SWITCH has not got any stealthier since Episode 1, and THE NARRATOR is visibly stressed from the effort of keeping her quiet.

Interior: the mezzanine. This floor is full of offices, and is extravagantly lit. There are still a lot of people around, so SWITCH causes a distraction by knocking over an oil lamp in an unoccupied office to start a small fire.

In the resulting chaos, the crew head downstairs. The main floor of the warehouse doesn't contain anything particularly interesting, unless you're unusually fond of mushrooms. They pass uninterested workers, and make their way through the doors into the second part of the warehouse. Still no sign of what they're looking for, but they do find more offices, one containing a trapdoor and a sleeping guard.

They descend silently through the trapdoor. Now they've hit paydirt. The Lamp Blacks' drug lab is down here, with both processed and unprocessed Bone Dust. There's also an alchemist, busily working.

THE NARRATOR runs round one side of him to get his attention, while SWITCH approaches from the other side and jabs a syringe full of StandStill into his neck. It's a dangerous manoeuvre​, and it's a few moments before the drug takes effect, during which time he's probably noticed that three dodgy types in masks have broken into his lab.

The crew get to work, adulterating the Bone Dust (and removing some of the pure drug so that the same amount of powder is left behind.) Not wanting the Lamp Blacks to guess what they were down there for, they also steal some blood, before making their exit via the sewers.

Interior: The Leaky Bucket. They find out where PSYCHO THERAPIST has been all this time - not on the massive bender they'd all assumed, but getting a kicking from CONSTABLE MYRA from the Bluecoats. Failing to wear a mask on the previous mission has done him no favours. Unfortunately for him, SWITCH is not interested in helping him recover, as after the stress of the score she feels a pressing need to go whoring.

GUNNER and THE NARRATOR, feeling rather more relaxed, instead go to work on the espionage project, following and studying the Lamp Blacks' leadership.


Interior: The Leaky Bucket. SWITCH, GUNNER and THE NARRATOR are joined by the landlord, MARDIN GULL. He puts a round of drinks on the table, including a bottle of his finest rum, a substance easily mistaken for drain cleaner but nevertheless appreciated by the Magpies.

He has a problem with another tavern - The Murdered Demon. Apparently they've got a slate roof and well crafted tables and chairs.

SWITCH: Well look at them with their fancy furniture!

This, along with serving decent food and drink and not having a cellar occupied by a gang of thieves, means they're taking a lot of business from the Leaky Bucket. MARDIN hands over a folded paper with instructions not to open it as it's a curse rune. The crew tactfully don't ask anything about where it came from, but agree to take it to the Murdered Demon and hide it, so that it can bring ill fortune to the owners.

Interior: The Murdered Demon. This tavern is indeed a lot nicer than the Leaky Bucket. They resist the urge to steal furniture, and instead formulate a plan to hide the rune in the pantry.

Interior: the pantry. The tavern gets regular food deliveries, and with a little bribery, SWITCH has got herself added to the delivery team. She hides the curse behind some old jars of herbs and spices. She's within moments of being caught, but manages to step away and act inconspicuous just in time.

Interior: The Leaky Bucket. The crew reassembles to share out the coin the landlord paid them, before SWITCH heads out to the brothel again and THE NARRATOR settles down with some more books. GUNNER heads out for a chat with CONSTABLE MYRA to try and reduce the amount of heat the crew have attracted.

The episode ends with the news that JEFF, unimpressed with what happened to STEVE in episode 2, has left the Magpies to join the Billhooks.

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