Monday 25 November 2019

Diversity Hires, part 6: Murder Elves

Thanks to illness I got a bit behind on the write-ups. When we last saw our heroes they were in a fortified inn fighting off a hoard of beast men, having temporarily teamed up with a group of mutants. As I was really too ill to have been playing, the following session can be briefly summed up as 'we won'.  We pick up again a week later...

The team continued on their way, and finally caught up with the crusade. They spent some time getting to know people, got briefly mixed up in an attack by elves, had a few drinks, and found a vampire. For once, Frida's ineffective rock flinging actually proved effective, and the vampire was swiftly dispatched.

One of the important crusade people, Yan, asked the team to investigate some potential chaos evil stuff in the camp. Following a particularly dodgy type called Krieger, they found that he spent his nights visiting a camp follower rather than engaging in anything more nefarious. However, a trip to the nearby woods led to them finding a bunch of letters made of flies, and a sheep with baby hands, which resulted in a certain amount of insanity all round.

Returning to camp, they were arrested by Yan and his men for being evil chaos cultists. This seemed a bit unnecessary and implausible, and much arguing resulted. Krieger's men were also being arrested, in the sense that people who have been shot tend to have their movements arrested. Although given that they were all looking horribly diseased, this seemed like a reasonable approach.
Presumably it was the same disease that had afflicted a team of witch hunters who'd shown up earlier and then all died.

Frida noticed something going on in their tent. A woman who'd previously befriended them and ridden on their wagon for a while had thrown a flea covered dead rat into the tent and then ran away. Gildiril sent a magic missile after her, resulting in Yan yelling about him being a witch. Mormacar shot her, then made chase and dragged her back in one of his nets. She had clearly been afflicted with disease as well as having been shot with arrows and magic.

It was around this point that Mormacar and Gildiril became known as the 'murder elves'.

The team decided not to get involved in the fight any further, and all the diseased corpses were incinerated along with the infected tent. There was still a lead to follow up on though - some suspicious conversation at the butcher.

The butcher was in conversation with a guard when they arrived, and was thoroughly evasive. Frida had been hoping to try out her torture skills, but ultimately a fight broke out and the butcher was beaten and flailed to death. It turned out that he was a mutant with a mouth in his armpit, which spewed infected goo across Frida and Kazgar. Frida had also hoped to try out her skills on the guard, but it became apparent that a good wash was more important at this point.

The two of them stripped off and started washing, Frida was disturbed to notice Kazgar first start to drip some kind of corrosive substance and then catch fire. She scrubbed harder, managing to clear the goop before getting any kind of infection. Kazgar suddenly disappeared.

And thus was born the dark legend of Kazgar, the dwarf who would appear suddenly, wreathed in burning acid, wreaking death and destruction before disappearing as fast as he had arrived, leaving a trail of fire and demons in his wake.

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