Wednesday 6 November 2019

Ylva Talks to the Fairies, part 2: Mushroom Mushroom

The game is a little slow at the moment because we're all learning Pathfinder 2e together.  Things will probably speed up in future games.

Hello, little ones.  Yes, it's time.

We went back to the barrow, with the priest this time, but he couldn't read the stone slab either.  He made a copy to look at later.

There were many fungus leshy around the barrow.  I'd never seen so many at one time before.  The others found them unsettling, but I though they were beautiful - yes, just like you.  Some leaf leshy joined us.  I asked Mittens to climb a tree and tell us if she could see anything interesting, but the leaf leshy made her fall down again.  No, that wasn't very nice.  Poor Mittens.

We left the barrow and found a hobgoblin camp.  Yes, very big and scary, and they had a giant pig with them.  But the hobgoblins were mostly asleep and the pig was away from their fire, so we attacked them.  Yes, they're all gone now.  My poor mitflit got flattened when the pig charged in though.

What did I do?  Well, of course I charmed the pig and lead it away into the woods where it could be free and not trample anyone else to death.

The writing?  Yes, we all looked at it when we got back.  I think we have it worked out now.  It's about how our tribe once fought the Broken Skull tribe.  And then a darkness awoke at the heart of the Greenwood.  Maybe the Broken Skull were the people who became the ghouls in the barrow?  There was something about a curse, and something about the blood of the forest and the blood of the bear entwined.

I know.  I'm scared.  But I have to learn more.

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