Friday 4 October 2019

Convention planning

Tabletop RPG convention dates are going up for next year. I'd like to do a few more, if I can fit them in around the larp. Here's what I'm planning:

Concrete Cow x 2 (of course) - Milton Keynes
Spaghetti ConJunction x 2 - Birmingham
The Owlbear and the Wizard's Staff - Leamington Spa
Dudley Bug Ball - Dudley

Six events, assuming they don't clash with larp. That's a decent start. I'll aim to run one, play one at CC and SCJ.  I'll probably all play at the others since I'll be a first-timer, but I know OBaWS are hoping to have more female GMs next year so maybe they'll have room for me.

Anything else?

The Garrison cons in Sheffield look interesting, and just make it into my 2 hour drive limit. Some of them I already have clashes for, but I could potentially make it to North Star, and the idea of a full weekend of scifi games is pretty intriguing. Perhaps they'll have room for a bit of Scum and Villainy. A full weekend con is a bit of a step up from a one day con, but there's got to be a first time.

Field of Games appears to be entirely board games at the moment, but it's not like I don't love board games too. I couldn't go this year, but next year is a possibility. I'd like to see a non-camping option added, not because I don't like camping but because it's so close to my house it doesn't seem worth the effort of pitching a tent, but if that's the only choice then I can always see if anyone wants to come from further afield and share with me. There are games like Zombie World that straddle the border between RPGs and board games that could appeal there.

I don't know where I'm going to fit my birthday party in there. Perhaps I'll just have to make it a mini gaming convention...

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